
File: src/collision/SAT.js

                                * This module has now been replaced by `Matter.Collision`.
                                * All usage should be migrated to `Matter.Collision`.
                                * For back-compatibility purposes this module will remain for a short term and then later removed in a future release.
                                * The `Matter.SAT` module contains methods for detecting collisions using the Separating Axis Theorem.
                                * @class SAT
                                * @deprecated
                                var SAT = {};
                                module.exports = SAT;
                                var Collision = require('./Collision');
                                var Common = require('../core/Common');
                                var deprecated = Common.deprecated;
                                (function() {
                                     * Detect collision between two bodies using the Separating Axis Theorem.
                                     * @deprecated replaced by Collision.collides
                                     * @method collides
                                     * @param {body} bodyA
                                     * @param {body} bodyB
                                     * @return {collision} collision
                                    SAT.collides = function(bodyA, bodyB) {
                                        return Collision.collides(bodyA, bodyB);
                                    deprecated(SAT, 'collides', 'SAT.collides ➤ replaced by Collision.collides');