* The `Matter.Resolver` module contains methods for resolving collision pairs.
* @class Resolver
var Resolver = {};
module.exports = Resolver;
var Vertices = require('../geometry/Vertices');
var Common = require('../core/Common');
var Bounds = require('../geometry/Bounds');
(function() {
Resolver._restingThresh = 2;
Resolver._restingThreshTangent = Math.sqrt(6);
Resolver._positionDampen = 0.9;
Resolver._positionWarming = 0.8;
Resolver._frictionNormalMultiplier = 5;
Resolver._frictionMaxStatic = Number.MAX_VALUE;
* Prepare pairs for position solving.
* @method preSolvePosition
* @param {pair[]} pairs
Resolver.preSolvePosition = function(pairs) {
var i,
pairsLength = pairs.length;
// find total contacts on each body
for (i = 0; i < pairsLength; i++) {
pair = pairs[i];
if (!pair.isActive)
contactCount = pair.contactCount;
pair.collision.parentA.totalContacts += contactCount;
pair.collision.parentB.totalContacts += contactCount;
* Find a solution for pair positions.
* @method solvePosition
* @param {pair[]} pairs
* @param {number} delta
* @param {number} [damping=1]
Resolver.solvePosition = function(pairs, delta, damping) {
var i,
positionDampen = Resolver._positionDampen * (damping || 1),
slopDampen = Common.clamp(delta / Common._baseDelta, 0, 1),
pairsLength = pairs.length;
// find impulses required to resolve penetration
for (i = 0; i < pairsLength; i++) {
pair = pairs[i];
if (!pair.isActive || pair.isSensor)
collision = pair.collision;
bodyA = collision.parentA;
bodyB = collision.parentB;
normal = collision.normal;
// get current separation between body edges involved in collision
pair.separation =
collision.depth + normal.x * (bodyB.positionImpulse.x - bodyA.positionImpulse.x)
+ normal.y * (bodyB.positionImpulse.y - bodyA.positionImpulse.y);
for (i = 0; i < pairsLength; i++) {
pair = pairs[i];
if (!pair.isActive || pair.isSensor)
collision = pair.collision;
bodyA = collision.parentA;
bodyB = collision.parentB;
normal = collision.normal;
positionImpulse = pair.separation - pair.slop * slopDampen;
if (bodyA.isStatic || bodyB.isStatic)
positionImpulse *= 2;
if (!(bodyA.isStatic || bodyA.isSleeping)) {
contactShare = positionDampen / bodyA.totalContacts;
bodyA.positionImpulse.x += normal.x * positionImpulse * contactShare;
bodyA.positionImpulse.y += normal.y * positionImpulse * contactShare;
if (!(bodyB.isStatic || bodyB.isSleeping)) {
contactShare = positionDampen / bodyB.totalContacts;
bodyB.positionImpulse.x -= normal.x * positionImpulse * contactShare;
bodyB.positionImpulse.y -= normal.y * positionImpulse * contactShare;
* Apply position resolution.
* @method postSolvePosition
* @param {body[]} bodies
Resolver.postSolvePosition = function(bodies) {
var positionWarming = Resolver._positionWarming,
bodiesLength = bodies.length,
verticesTranslate = Vertices.translate,
boundsUpdate = Bounds.update;
for (var i = 0; i < bodiesLength; i++) {
var body = bodies[i],
positionImpulse = body.positionImpulse,
positionImpulseX = positionImpulse.x,
positionImpulseY = positionImpulse.y,
velocity = body.velocity;
// reset contact count
body.totalContacts = 0;
if (positionImpulseX !== 0 || positionImpulseY !== 0) {
// update body geometry
for (var j = 0; j < body.parts.length; j++) {
var part = body.parts[j];
verticesTranslate(part.vertices, positionImpulse);
boundsUpdate(part.bounds, part.vertices, velocity);
part.position.x += positionImpulseX;
part.position.y += positionImpulseY;
// move the body without changing velocity
body.positionPrev.x += positionImpulseX;
body.positionPrev.y += positionImpulseY;
if (positionImpulseX * velocity.x + positionImpulseY * velocity.y < 0) {
// reset cached impulse if the body has velocity along it
positionImpulse.x = 0;
positionImpulse.y = 0;
} else {
// warm the next iteration
positionImpulse.x *= positionWarming;
positionImpulse.y *= positionWarming;
* Prepare pairs for velocity solving.
* @method preSolveVelocity
* @param {pair[]} pairs
Resolver.preSolveVelocity = function(pairs) {
var pairsLength = pairs.length,
for (i = 0; i < pairsLength; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i];
if (!pair.isActive || pair.isSensor)
var contacts = pair.contacts,
contactCount = pair.contactCount,
collision = pair.collision,
bodyA = collision.parentA,
bodyB = collision.parentB,
normal = collision.normal,
tangent = collision.tangent;
// resolve each contact
for (j = 0; j < contactCount; j++) {
var contact = contacts[j],
contactVertex = contact.vertex,
normalImpulse = contact.normalImpulse,
tangentImpulse = contact.tangentImpulse;
if (normalImpulse !== 0 || tangentImpulse !== 0) {
// total impulse from contact
var impulseX = normal.x * normalImpulse + tangent.x * tangentImpulse,
impulseY = normal.y * normalImpulse + tangent.y * tangentImpulse;
// apply impulse from contact
if (!(bodyA.isStatic || bodyA.isSleeping)) {
bodyA.positionPrev.x += impulseX * bodyA.inverseMass;
bodyA.positionPrev.y += impulseY * bodyA.inverseMass;
bodyA.anglePrev += bodyA.inverseInertia * (
(contactVertex.x - bodyA.position.x) * impulseY
- (contactVertex.y - bodyA.position.y) * impulseX
if (!(bodyB.isStatic || bodyB.isSleeping)) {
bodyB.positionPrev.x -= impulseX * bodyB.inverseMass;
bodyB.positionPrev.y -= impulseY * bodyB.inverseMass;
bodyB.anglePrev -= bodyB.inverseInertia * (
(contactVertex.x - bodyB.position.x) * impulseY
- (contactVertex.y - bodyB.position.y) * impulseX
* Find a solution for pair velocities.
* @method solveVelocity
* @param {pair[]} pairs
* @param {number} delta
Resolver.solveVelocity = function(pairs, delta) {
var timeScale = delta / Common._baseDelta,
timeScaleSquared = timeScale * timeScale,
timeScaleCubed = timeScaleSquared * timeScale,
restingThresh = -Resolver._restingThresh * timeScale,
restingThreshTangent = Resolver._restingThreshTangent,
frictionNormalMultiplier = Resolver._frictionNormalMultiplier * timeScale,
frictionMaxStatic = Resolver._frictionMaxStatic,
pairsLength = pairs.length,
for (i = 0; i < pairsLength; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i];
if (!pair.isActive || pair.isSensor)
var collision = pair.collision,
bodyA = collision.parentA,
bodyB = collision.parentB,
normalX = collision.normal.x,
normalY = collision.normal.y,
tangentX = collision.tangent.x,
tangentY = collision.tangent.y,
inverseMassTotal = pair.inverseMass,
friction = pair.friction * pair.frictionStatic * frictionNormalMultiplier,
contacts = pair.contacts,
contactCount = pair.contactCount,
contactShare = 1 / contactCount;
// get body velocities
var bodyAVelocityX = bodyA.position.x - bodyA.positionPrev.x,
bodyAVelocityY = bodyA.position.y - bodyA.positionPrev.y,
bodyAAngularVelocity = bodyA.angle - bodyA.anglePrev,
bodyBVelocityX = bodyB.position.x - bodyB.positionPrev.x,
bodyBVelocityY = bodyB.position.y - bodyB.positionPrev.y,
bodyBAngularVelocity = bodyB.angle - bodyB.anglePrev;
// resolve each contact
for (j = 0; j < contactCount; j++) {
var contact = contacts[j],
contactVertex = contact.vertex;
var offsetAX = contactVertex.x - bodyA.position.x,
offsetAY = contactVertex.y - bodyA.position.y,
offsetBX = contactVertex.x - bodyB.position.x,
offsetBY = contactVertex.y - bodyB.position.y;
var velocityPointAX = bodyAVelocityX - offsetAY * bodyAAngularVelocity,
velocityPointAY = bodyAVelocityY + offsetAX * bodyAAngularVelocity,
velocityPointBX = bodyBVelocityX - offsetBY * bodyBAngularVelocity,
velocityPointBY = bodyBVelocityY + offsetBX * bodyBAngularVelocity;
var relativeVelocityX = velocityPointAX - velocityPointBX,
relativeVelocityY = velocityPointAY - velocityPointBY;
var normalVelocity = normalX * relativeVelocityX + normalY * relativeVelocityY,
tangentVelocity = tangentX * relativeVelocityX + tangentY * relativeVelocityY;
// coulomb friction
var normalOverlap = pair.separation + normalVelocity;
var normalForce = Math.min(normalOverlap, 1);
normalForce = normalOverlap < 0 ? 0 : normalForce;
var frictionLimit = normalForce * friction;
if (tangentVelocity < -frictionLimit || tangentVelocity > frictionLimit) {
maxFriction = (tangentVelocity > 0 ? tangentVelocity : -tangentVelocity);
tangentImpulse = pair.friction * (tangentVelocity > 0 ? 1 : -1) * timeScaleCubed;
if (tangentImpulse < -maxFriction) {
tangentImpulse = -maxFriction;
} else if (tangentImpulse > maxFriction) {
tangentImpulse = maxFriction;
} else {
tangentImpulse = tangentVelocity;
maxFriction = frictionMaxStatic;
// account for mass, inertia and contact offset
var oAcN = offsetAX * normalY - offsetAY * normalX,
oBcN = offsetBX * normalY - offsetBY * normalX,
share = contactShare / (inverseMassTotal + bodyA.inverseInertia * oAcN * oAcN + bodyB.inverseInertia * oBcN * oBcN);
// raw impulses
var normalImpulse = (1 + pair.restitution) * normalVelocity * share;
tangentImpulse *= share;
// handle high velocity and resting collisions separately
if (normalVelocity < restingThresh) {
// high normal velocity so clear cached contact normal impulse
contact.normalImpulse = 0;
} else {
// solve resting collision constraints using Erin Catto's method (GDC08)
// impulse constraint tends to 0
var contactNormalImpulse = contact.normalImpulse;
contact.normalImpulse += normalImpulse;
if (contact.normalImpulse > 0) contact.normalImpulse = 0;
normalImpulse = contact.normalImpulse - contactNormalImpulse;
// handle high velocity and resting collisions separately
if (tangentVelocity < -restingThreshTangent || tangentVelocity > restingThreshTangent) {
// high tangent velocity so clear cached contact tangent impulse
contact.tangentImpulse = 0;
} else {
// solve resting collision constraints using Erin Catto's method (GDC08)
// tangent impulse tends to -tangentSpeed or +tangentSpeed
var contactTangentImpulse = contact.tangentImpulse;
contact.tangentImpulse += tangentImpulse;
if (contact.tangentImpulse < -maxFriction) contact.tangentImpulse = -maxFriction;
if (contact.tangentImpulse > maxFriction) contact.tangentImpulse = maxFriction;
tangentImpulse = contact.tangentImpulse - contactTangentImpulse;
// total impulse from contact
var impulseX = normalX * normalImpulse + tangentX * tangentImpulse,
impulseY = normalY * normalImpulse + tangentY * tangentImpulse;
// apply impulse from contact
if (!(bodyA.isStatic || bodyA.isSleeping)) {
bodyA.positionPrev.x += impulseX * bodyA.inverseMass;
bodyA.positionPrev.y += impulseY * bodyA.inverseMass;
bodyA.anglePrev += (offsetAX * impulseY - offsetAY * impulseX) * bodyA.inverseInertia;
if (!(bodyB.isStatic || bodyB.isSleeping)) {
bodyB.positionPrev.x -= impulseX * bodyB.inverseMass;
bodyB.positionPrev.y -= impulseY * bodyB.inverseMass;
bodyB.anglePrev -= (offsetBX * impulseY - offsetBY * impulseX) * bodyB.inverseInertia;