
File: src/body/Composite.js

                                * A composite is a collection of `Matter.Body`, `Matter.Constraint` and other `Matter.Composite` objects.
                                * They are a container that can represent complex objects made of multiple parts, even if they are not physically connected.
                                * A composite could contain anything from a single body all the way up to a whole world.
                                * When making any changes to composites, use the included functions rather than changing their properties directly.
                                * See the included usage [examples](
                                * @class Composite
                                var Composite = {};
                                module.exports = Composite;
                                var Events = require('../core/Events');
                                var Common = require('../core/Common');
                                var Bounds = require('../geometry/Bounds');
                                var Body = require('./Body');
                                (function() {
                                     * Creates a new composite. The options parameter is an object that specifies any properties you wish to override the defaults.
                                     * See the properites section below for detailed information on what you can pass via the `options` object.
                                     * @method create
                                     * @param {} [options]
                                     * @return {composite} A new composite
                                    Composite.create = function(options) {
                                        return Common.extend({ 
                                            id: Common.nextId(),
                                            type: 'composite',
                                            parent: null,
                                            isModified: false,
                                            bodies: [], 
                                            constraints: [], 
                                            composites: [],
                                            label: 'Composite',
                                            plugin: {},
                                            cache: {
                                                allBodies: null,
                                                allConstraints: null,
                                                allComposites: null
                                        }, options);
                                     * Sets the composite's `isModified` flag. 
                                     * If `updateParents` is true, all parents will be set (default: false).
                                     * If `updateChildren` is true, all children will be set (default: false).
                                     * @private
                                     * @method setModified
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {boolean} isModified
                                     * @param {boolean} [updateParents=false]
                                     * @param {boolean} [updateChildren=false]
                                    Composite.setModified = function(composite, isModified, updateParents, updateChildren) {
                                        composite.isModified = isModified;
                                        if (isModified && composite.cache) {
                                            composite.cache.allBodies = null;
                                            composite.cache.allConstraints = null;
                                            composite.cache.allComposites = null;
                                        if (updateParents && composite.parent) {
                                            Composite.setModified(composite.parent, isModified, updateParents, updateChildren);
                                        if (updateChildren) {
                                            for (var i = 0; i < composite.composites.length; i++) {
                                                var childComposite = composite.composites[i];
                                                Composite.setModified(childComposite, isModified, updateParents, updateChildren);
                                     * Generic single or multi-add function. Adds a single or an array of body(s), constraint(s) or composite(s) to the given composite.
                                     * Triggers `beforeAdd` and `afterAdd` events on the `composite`.
                                     * @method add
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {object|array} object A single or an array of body(s), constraint(s) or composite(s)
                                     * @return {composite} The original composite with the objects added
                                    Composite.add = function(composite, object) {
                                        var objects = [].concat(object);
                                        Events.trigger(composite, 'beforeAdd', { object: object });
                                        for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
                                            var obj = objects[i];
                                            switch (obj.type) {
                                            case 'body':
                                                // skip adding compound parts
                                                if (obj.parent !== obj) {
                                                    Common.warn('Composite.add: skipped adding a compound body part (you must add its parent instead)');
                                                Composite.addBody(composite, obj);
                                            case 'constraint':
                                                Composite.addConstraint(composite, obj);
                                            case 'composite':
                                                Composite.addComposite(composite, obj);
                                            case 'mouseConstraint':
                                                Composite.addConstraint(composite, obj.constraint);
                                        Events.trigger(composite, 'afterAdd', { object: object });
                                        return composite;
                                     * Generic remove function. Removes one or many body(s), constraint(s) or a composite(s) to the given composite.
                                     * Optionally searching its children recursively.
                                     * Triggers `beforeRemove` and `afterRemove` events on the `composite`.
                                     * @method remove
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {object|array} object
                                     * @param {boolean} [deep=false]
                                     * @return {composite} The original composite with the objects removed
                                    Composite.remove = function(composite, object, deep) {
                                        var objects = [].concat(object);
                                        Events.trigger(composite, 'beforeRemove', { object: object });
                                        for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
                                            var obj = objects[i];
                                            switch (obj.type) {
                                            case 'body':
                                                Composite.removeBody(composite, obj, deep);
                                            case 'constraint':
                                                Composite.removeConstraint(composite, obj, deep);
                                            case 'composite':
                                                Composite.removeComposite(composite, obj, deep);
                                            case 'mouseConstraint':
                                                Composite.removeConstraint(composite, obj.constraint);
                                        Events.trigger(composite, 'afterRemove', { object: object });
                                        return composite;
                                     * Adds a composite to the given composite.
                                     * @private
                                     * @method addComposite
                                     * @param {composite} compositeA
                                     * @param {composite} compositeB
                                     * @return {composite} The original compositeA with the objects from compositeB added
                                    Composite.addComposite = function(compositeA, compositeB) {
                                        compositeB.parent = compositeA;
                                        Composite.setModified(compositeA, true, true, false);
                                        return compositeA;
                                     * Removes a composite from the given composite, and optionally searching its children recursively.
                                     * @private
                                     * @method removeComposite
                                     * @param {composite} compositeA
                                     * @param {composite} compositeB
                                     * @param {boolean} [deep=false]
                                     * @return {composite} The original compositeA with the composite removed
                                    Composite.removeComposite = function(compositeA, compositeB, deep) {
                                        var position = Common.indexOf(compositeA.composites, compositeB);
                                        if (position !== -1) {
                                            Composite.removeCompositeAt(compositeA, position);
                                        if (deep) {
                                            for (var i = 0; i < compositeA.composites.length; i++){
                                                Composite.removeComposite(compositeA.composites[i], compositeB, true);
                                        return compositeA;
                                     * Removes a composite from the given composite.
                                     * @private
                                     * @method removeCompositeAt
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {number} position
                                     * @return {composite} The original composite with the composite removed
                                    Composite.removeCompositeAt = function(composite, position) {
                                        composite.composites.splice(position, 1);
                                        Composite.setModified(composite, true, true, false);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Adds a body to the given composite.
                                     * @private
                                     * @method addBody
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {body} body
                                     * @return {composite} The original composite with the body added
                                    Composite.addBody = function(composite, body) {
                                        Composite.setModified(composite, true, true, false);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Removes a body from the given composite, and optionally searching its children recursively.
                                     * @private
                                     * @method removeBody
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {body} body
                                     * @param {boolean} [deep=false]
                                     * @return {composite} The original composite with the body removed
                                    Composite.removeBody = function(composite, body, deep) {
                                        var position = Common.indexOf(composite.bodies, body);
                                        if (position !== -1) {
                                            Composite.removeBodyAt(composite, position);
                                        if (deep) {
                                            for (var i = 0; i < composite.composites.length; i++){
                                                Composite.removeBody(composite.composites[i], body, true);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Removes a body from the given composite.
                                     * @private
                                     * @method removeBodyAt
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {number} position
                                     * @return {composite} The original composite with the body removed
                                    Composite.removeBodyAt = function(composite, position) {
                                        composite.bodies.splice(position, 1);
                                        Composite.setModified(composite, true, true, false);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Adds a constraint to the given composite.
                                     * @private
                                     * @method addConstraint
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {constraint} constraint
                                     * @return {composite} The original composite with the constraint added
                                    Composite.addConstraint = function(composite, constraint) {
                                        Composite.setModified(composite, true, true, false);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Removes a constraint from the given composite, and optionally searching its children recursively.
                                     * @private
                                     * @method removeConstraint
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {constraint} constraint
                                     * @param {boolean} [deep=false]
                                     * @return {composite} The original composite with the constraint removed
                                    Composite.removeConstraint = function(composite, constraint, deep) {
                                        var position = Common.indexOf(composite.constraints, constraint);
                                        if (position !== -1) {
                                            Composite.removeConstraintAt(composite, position);
                                        if (deep) {
                                            for (var i = 0; i < composite.composites.length; i++){
                                                Composite.removeConstraint(composite.composites[i], constraint, true);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Removes a body from the given composite.
                                     * @private
                                     * @method removeConstraintAt
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {number} position
                                     * @return {composite} The original composite with the constraint removed
                                    Composite.removeConstraintAt = function(composite, position) {
                                        composite.constraints.splice(position, 1);
                                        Composite.setModified(composite, true, true, false);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Removes all bodies, constraints and composites from the given composite.
                                     * Optionally clearing its children recursively.
                                     * @method clear
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {boolean} keepStatic
                                     * @param {boolean} [deep=false]
                                    Composite.clear = function(composite, keepStatic, deep) {
                                        if (deep) {
                                            for (var i = 0; i < composite.composites.length; i++){
                                                Composite.clear(composite.composites[i], keepStatic, true);
                                        if (keepStatic) {
                                            composite.bodies = composite.bodies.filter(function(body) { return body.isStatic; });
                                        } else {
                                            composite.bodies.length = 0;
                                        composite.constraints.length = 0;
                                        composite.composites.length = 0;
                                        Composite.setModified(composite, true, true, false);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Returns all bodies in the given composite, including all bodies in its children, recursively.
                                     * @method allBodies
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @return {body[]} All the bodies
                                    Composite.allBodies = function(composite) {
                                        if (composite.cache && composite.cache.allBodies) {
                                            return composite.cache.allBodies;
                                        var bodies = [].concat(composite.bodies);
                                        for (var i = 0; i < composite.composites.length; i++)
                                            bodies = bodies.concat(Composite.allBodies(composite.composites[i]));
                                        if (composite.cache) {
                                            composite.cache.allBodies = bodies;
                                        return bodies;
                                     * Returns all constraints in the given composite, including all constraints in its children, recursively.
                                     * @method allConstraints
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @return {constraint[]} All the constraints
                                    Composite.allConstraints = function(composite) {
                                        if (composite.cache && composite.cache.allConstraints) {
                                            return composite.cache.allConstraints;
                                        var constraints = [].concat(composite.constraints);
                                        for (var i = 0; i < composite.composites.length; i++)
                                            constraints = constraints.concat(Composite.allConstraints(composite.composites[i]));
                                        if (composite.cache) {
                                            composite.cache.allConstraints = constraints;
                                        return constraints;
                                     * Returns all composites in the given composite, including all composites in its children, recursively.
                                     * @method allComposites
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @return {composite[]} All the composites
                                    Composite.allComposites = function(composite) {
                                        if (composite.cache && composite.cache.allComposites) {
                                            return composite.cache.allComposites;
                                        var composites = [].concat(composite.composites);
                                        for (var i = 0; i < composite.composites.length; i++)
                                            composites = composites.concat(Composite.allComposites(composite.composites[i]));
                                        if (composite.cache) {
                                            composite.cache.allComposites = composites;
                                        return composites;
                                     * Searches the composite recursively for an object matching the type and id supplied, null if not found.
                                     * @method get
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {number} id
                                     * @param {string} type
                                     * @return {object} The requested object, if found
                                    Composite.get = function(composite, id, type) {
                                        var objects,
                                        switch (type) {
                                        case 'body':
                                            objects = Composite.allBodies(composite);
                                        case 'constraint':
                                            objects = Composite.allConstraints(composite);
                                        case 'composite':
                                            objects = Composite.allComposites(composite).concat(composite);
                                        if (!objects)
                                            return null;
                                        object = objects.filter(function(object) { 
                                            return === id.toString(); 
                                        return object.length === 0 ? null : object[0];
                                     * Moves the given object(s) from compositeA to compositeB (equal to a remove followed by an add).
                                     * @method move
                                     * @param {compositeA} compositeA
                                     * @param {object[]} objects
                                     * @param {compositeB} compositeB
                                     * @return {composite} Returns compositeA
                                    Composite.move = function(compositeA, objects, compositeB) {
                                        Composite.remove(compositeA, objects);
                                        Composite.add(compositeB, objects);
                                        return compositeA;
                                     * Assigns new ids for all objects in the composite, recursively.
                                     * @method rebase
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @return {composite} Returns composite
                                    Composite.rebase = function(composite) {
                                        var objects = Composite.allBodies(composite)
                                        for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
                                            objects[i].id = Common.nextId();
                                        return composite;
                                     * Translates all children in the composite by a given vector relative to their current positions, 
                                     * without imparting any velocity.
                                     * @method translate
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {vector} translation
                                     * @param {bool} [recursive=true]
                                    Composite.translate = function(composite, translation, recursive) {
                                        var bodies = recursive ? Composite.allBodies(composite) : composite.bodies;
                                        for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) {
                                            Body.translate(bodies[i], translation);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Rotates all children in the composite by a given angle about the given point, without imparting any angular velocity.
                                     * @method rotate
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {number} rotation
                                     * @param {vector} point
                                     * @param {bool} [recursive=true]
                                    Composite.rotate = function(composite, rotation, point, recursive) {
                                        var cos = Math.cos(rotation),
                                            sin = Math.sin(rotation),
                                            bodies = recursive ? Composite.allBodies(composite) : composite.bodies;
                                        for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) {
                                            var body = bodies[i],
                                                dx = body.position.x - point.x,
                                                dy = body.position.y - point.y;
                                            Body.setPosition(body, {
                                                x: point.x + (dx * cos - dy * sin),
                                                y: point.y + (dx * sin + dy * cos)
                                            Body.rotate(body, rotation);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Scales all children in the composite, including updating physical properties (mass, area, axes, inertia), from a world-space point.
                                     * @method scale
                                     * @param {composite} composite
                                     * @param {number} scaleX
                                     * @param {number} scaleY
                                     * @param {vector} point
                                     * @param {bool} [recursive=true]
                                    Composite.scale = function(composite, scaleX, scaleY, point, recursive) {
                                        var bodies = recursive ? Composite.allBodies(composite) : composite.bodies;
                                        for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) {
                                            var body = bodies[i],
                                                dx = body.position.x - point.x,
                                                dy = body.position.y - point.y;
                                            Body.setPosition(body, {
                                                x: point.x + dx * scaleX,
                                                y: point.y + dy * scaleY
                                            Body.scale(body, scaleX, scaleY);
                                        return composite;
                                     * Returns the union of the bounds of all of the composite's bodies.
                                     * @method bounds
                                     * @param {composite} composite The composite.
                                     * @returns {bounds} The composite bounds.
                                    Composite.bounds = function(composite) {
                                        var bodies = Composite.allBodies(composite),
                                            vertices = [];
                                        for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i += 1) {
                                            var body = bodies[i];
                                            vertices.push(body.bounds.min, body.bounds.max);
                                        return Bounds.create(vertices);
                                    *  Events Documentation
                                    * Fired when a call to `Composite.add` is made, before objects have been added.
                                    * @event beforeAdd
                                    * @param {} event An event object
                                    * @param {} event.object The object(s) to be added (may be a single body, constraint, composite or a mixed array of these)
                                    * @param {} event.source The source object of the event
                                    * @param {} The name of the event
                                    * Fired when a call to `Composite.add` is made, after objects have been added.
                                    * @event afterAdd
                                    * @param {} event An event object
                                    * @param {} event.object The object(s) that have been added (may be a single body, constraint, composite or a mixed array of these)
                                    * @param {} event.source The source object of the event
                                    * @param {} The name of the event
                                    * Fired when a call to `Composite.remove` is made, before objects have been removed.
                                    * @event beforeRemove
                                    * @param {} event An event object
                                    * @param {} event.object The object(s) to be removed (may be a single body, constraint, composite or a mixed array of these)
                                    * @param {} event.source The source object of the event
                                    * @param {} The name of the event
                                    * Fired when a call to `Composite.remove` is made, after objects have been removed.
                                    * @event afterRemove
                                    * @param {} event An event object
                                    * @param {} event.object The object(s) that have been removed (may be a single body, constraint, composite or a mixed array of these)
                                    * @param {} event.source The source object of the event
                                    * @param {} The name of the event
                                    *  Properties Documentation
                                     * An integer `Number` uniquely identifying number generated in `Composite.create` by `Common.nextId`.
                                     * @property id
                                     * @type number
                                     * A `String` denoting the type of object.
                                     * @property type
                                     * @type string
                                     * @default "composite"
                                     * @readOnly
                                     * An arbitrary `String` name to help the user identify and manage composites.
                                     * @property label
                                     * @type string
                                     * @default "Composite"
                                     * A flag that specifies whether the composite has been modified during the current step.
                                     * This is automatically managed when bodies, constraints or composites are added or removed.
                                     * @property isModified
                                     * @type boolean
                                     * @default false
                                     * The `Composite` that is the parent of this composite. It is automatically managed by the `Matter.Composite` methods.
                                     * @property parent
                                     * @type composite
                                     * @default null
                                     * An array of `Body` that are _direct_ children of this composite.
                                     * To add or remove bodies you should use `Composite.add` and `Composite.remove` methods rather than directly modifying this property.
                                     * If you wish to recursively find all descendants, you should use the `Composite.allBodies` method.
                                     * @property bodies
                                     * @type body[]
                                     * @default []
                                     * An array of `Constraint` that are _direct_ children of this composite.
                                     * To add or remove constraints you should use `Composite.add` and `Composite.remove` methods rather than directly modifying this property.
                                     * If you wish to recursively find all descendants, you should use the `Composite.allConstraints` method.
                                     * @property constraints
                                     * @type constraint[]
                                     * @default []
                                     * An array of `Composite` that are _direct_ children of this composite.
                                     * To add or remove composites you should use `Composite.add` and `Composite.remove` methods rather than directly modifying this property.
                                     * If you wish to recursively find all descendants, you should use the `Composite.allComposites` method.
                                     * @property composites
                                     * @type composite[]
                                     * @default []
                                     * An object reserved for storing plugin-specific properties.
                                     * @property plugin
                                     * @type {}
                                     * An object used for storing cached results for performance reasons.
                                     * This is used internally only and is automatically managed.
                                     * @private
                                     * @property cache
                                     * @type {}